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Foreclosure Prevention Counseling Program

Cooling Portland

AAAH has partnered with Earth Advantage to provide free, multi-season, heat pumps to low-income Portlanders.

Free Home Energy Assessment

Build climate resilience for your home through improved energy performance and solar energy.

Free Estate Plans for Homeowners

Join our monthly webinars and apply for a FREE Estate Plan.

About Us

AAAH is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Portland, Oregon.


Our team of HUD-certified counselors and staff help our community OBTAIN, RETAIN, MAINTAIN, & SUSTAIN housing through our programs.

  1. First-Time Homebuyer Counseling

  2. Foreclosure Prevention Counseling & COVID-19 Mortgage Relief

  3. Free Estate Planning & Webinars

  4. Water Leak Repairs

  5. Small Home Emergency Repairs

  6. Community Resource Referrals

  7. Discounted & Free Sustainability Upgrades, Electric Vehicles, and Solar Installations

Join Us

AAAH hosts regular webinars to educate homeowners about our Free Estate Planning, Energy Efficiency, and Solar opportunities.

We also host annual events such as our Homes for Sale Bus Tour, Homeownership Fair, and Day of Service

© 2024 by African American

Alliance for Homeownership


825 NE 20th Ave Suite 100, Portland, OR 97232
Hours: Monday thru Friday 9am - 5pm
(503) 595-3517
  • Facebook
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